Effective construction requires broad management of a diverse array of stakeholders and data sources – all in real-time. Project Managers need reliable inputs and tools that improve the accuracy and efficiency of the construction process whilst reducing risk. Here are 3 ways that GeoAfrika Surveys seeks to improve the construction process:

1 – Underground Service Detection

The disruption of water, electrical, fuel or communication services during construction can cause significant time delays and increased costs to construction projects. Whilst ground topographical surveys often identify service terminal points, the actual service route often does not follow a straight line and terminal points can also be hidden or incorrectly identified. The result is a layout drawing of a site where there is some degree of uncertainty on what is below ground. Services are either safely located or physically impeded through costly excavation. This often results in the site being temporarily closed whilst the service is repaired and the layout of the site is redesigned.

GeoAfrika Surveys mitigates this risk for clients by employing Service Detection technology on sites. The technology allows for the detection of services up to 2.5m below ground level using a combination of RADAR and energy detection. Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) can detect ceramic and plastic pipes and ducts up to a depth of approximately 7m below the ground surface. The GPR system is complemented by a handheld pipe and cable detection system. In this manner, both conductive and non-conductive piping and ducting can be located and mapped on-site. The system references all data captured using a Real-Time GPS system and the RADAR data slices are stored for referencing and further analysis if required. Service locations are physically marked in the field using survey poles and paint to guide construction teams on site.

View a Project Case Study here.

2 – High Definition Laser Scanning

Laser Scanning technology is widely used in complex plant and industrial environments – but its application in civil infrastructure projects is underutilized. GeoAfrika Surveys operate two Riegl VZ400 scanners – instruments that are capable are measuring to a high degree of accuracy from up to 400m away. This means they can be used in challenging terrain – particularly where it’s not possible to use conventional surveying instruments such as GPS due to vertical obstructions or safety considerations. High-resolution datasets are also extremely useful in accurately depicting complex vertical slopes and overhangs – where it’s vital to have correct terrain representation to accurately determine quantities.

3 – SKY SITE | Frequent, Accurate aerial imagery 

The COVID-19 pandemic has forever changed how companies undertake operations. Travelling has significantly reduced and project sites require strict access protocols. It is envisaged that companies will leverage technology to enable teams to safely visualize project sites remotely. Our SKY SITE product allows access to view the progress on a construction site remotely via a secure, web-based map showing high-resolution imagery, accurately referenced to the site datum. Imagery is captured at a resolution of 5cm ground sample distance (GSD) – meaning that each pixel in the image represents 5cm on the ground.

Project Managers can customize their web-map by overlaying critical design drawings –  allowing the project team to make sure there are no deviations from design and monitor/compare progress. The system is particularly useful to resolve disputes that may arise between construction stakeholders. Basic measurements and PDF screen reports can also be taken to aid project discussions. Users are able to download data for use in 3rd party software if required and the high-resolution imagery can be updated as often as weekly if required.

Need some smart technological solutions to improve your construction project?

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