Towards the earlier half of 2022, GeoAfrika Technologies in collaboration with Focus Project Management were appointed, by the KZN Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA), as the preferred service provider to support the implementation of the Spatial Integration Framework and the revision of the current GIS based “Spatial Equity and Prioritization Tool” (SEPT).
With the revision of the Provincial Growth and Development Strategy (PGDS) and the KZN Provincial Spatial Development Framework (PSDF) occurring after the deployment of SEPT, there was an urgent need to align the current tool or develop a dynamic solution to better align with the requirements for measuring Spatial Integration. The GeoAfrika Technologies team, led by Focus Project management are currently almost halfway through the completion of the project and are on track to deploying the tool within the COGTA environment during April 2023.
Spatial Integration involves “breaking down spatially-constructed barriers through enabling and deliberately transforming spatial forms in settlements that result in a fair and just allocation of socially valued resources and services and equitable access in socio- economic opportunities.”
The Spatial Integration Framework Tool (SIFT) will consist of a selection of GIS web-based Applications and Dashboards that enable users the functionality to:
- Conduct multiple queries within and across the 6 Focus Areas and a multitude of Sub-indicators of Spatial Integration.
- Download query results
- Track the provincial attainment of spatial integration.
- Track the location and spend of various projects inclusive of MIG, Catalytic Projects and Provincial projects.
- Track Spatial Integration Results against the Human Development Index
- Compare Spatial Integration results against the revised PSDF.
- Inclusive of the development and deployment of the tool, will be a comprehensive user manual, training of selected staff, a Population Growth Forecasting tool as well as methodology for implementing and updating settlement footprints
This project has been a great opportunity to stretch and push the boundaries of the technology available, to produce a solution with huge potential and growth opportunities. We look forward to deploying a quality solution for KZN COGTA that may assist the department and its stakeholders in the future.