GeoAfrika Surveys specialises in the efficient capture, analysis and representation of spatial data for use throughout the development process. With a core focus on land rights and management, the division has also developed focused, specialised expertise in technical fields like engineering surveying, laser scanning and drone services. GeoAfrika Surveys is experienced at both large-scale infrastructure projects and smaller-scale developments. With a team of senior surveyors boasting over 25 years of experience, there are very few challenges the team hasn’t faced and solved themselves. This on-the-ground expertise is complemented by a focus on best leveraging new technologies, with the division continually pioneering new survey technology.
RICS Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
SAGI South African
Geomatics Institute
SAGC South African Geomatics Council
GeoAfrika Survey is a Level 1 B-BBEE Contributor
Copyright © 2018 GeoAfrika
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