Land Tenure and Housing Development in Edendale


  • Identifying duplicate titles (whether in the form of PTOs, Deeds of Grant or freehold title).
  • Unravelling old titles and upgrading tenure to freehold title in terms of the Upgrading of Land Tenure Rights Act 112 of 1991.
  • Identifying private or state land parcels that could be purchased or transferred to extend the development of the Greater Edendale Area.
  • Training and appointing Edendale-based facilitators, primarily in the support of the private land acquisition initiative.
  • Establishing a comprehensive Geographic Information System (GIS) and other integrated web-based systems in support of the above, and the provision of accurate financial, legal and administrative information as required by the Auditor General.
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Client: Msunduzi Municipality

Date: 2003 - present

Edendale is a large and populous area situated to the north west of Pietermaritzburg, established as a segregated township by the apartheid government. Several thousand residential erven were surveyed, starting in the early 1960s, although previous forms of land tenure have existed since the late 1800s. Due to poor control mechanisms and the chaotic nature of the apartheid government’s Deeds Registry and cadastral system, several forms of overlapping title have been granted over the course of the development, leading to multiple issues in administration and management of the land in the present day. GeoAfrika Surveys was tasked with developing a strategic response to this, clarifying land ownership and establishing systems to consolidate information going forward.