The Greater Edendale and Vulindlela Development Initiative


  • Undertaking of a cadastral and ownership land audit and maintaining the datasets on a quarterly basis.
  • Managing all spatial information in the GIS for the identification, acquisition and transfer of land.
  • Production of mapping as and when required.
  • Development of various workflow applications and web based systems to track and report on land matters including the acquisition of land.
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Client: Msunduzi Municipality

Date: 2005 – present

The Msunduzi Municipality established the Greater Edendale and Vulindlela Development Initiative (GEVDI) in 2005 to upgrade and redevelop the historically disadvantaged Greater Edendale area. This area was developed in the past with very poor planning controls in place resulting in disorganised development with owners unable to obtain title to their land. The mandate of GEVDI is to obtain the land into the ownership of the Municipality, put in place proper town planning controls, redevelop the area and pass title to the owners. To aid this project, GeoAfrika Technologies is providing the full range of GIS and application development services to manage the information related to all land matters leading to the redevelopment of the area.