UKZN Land Assembly Rationalisation
- Undertaking a Land Audit of the land holdings owned or occupied by UKZN on all five campuses.
- Identifying the future needs of the University from a growth and operational perspective.
- Preparing a town planning application with a revised consolidation and subdivision of property holdings into efficient locations and extents.
- Undertaking the land surveying of the properties and submission of diagrams to the Surveyor General’s office.
- Undertaking the registration of new Deeds of Title for the more efficient land assembly.
Client: University of KwaZulu-Natal
Established tertiary educational institutions often occupy large tracts of land due to the number of facilities they encompass. The growth in their physical footprint is often fairly ad hoc, however, responding more to new demands on resources than a long-term strategic plan. As a result, land is sometimes acquired or re-allocated for these institutions that was previously planned for other land usage. The University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) operates five campuses across the province of KwaZulu-Natal, and its growth over the years has resulted in an over-large property holding, made up of a number of small pieces of land. This has led to significant cost inefficiencies from a property rating and property sub-leasing perspective. To help remedy this, GeoAfrika was appointed as a subcontractor to the property valuation team to undertake the rationalisation of the UKZN land assembly across all five campuses.