Underground Service Detection Surveys: N3 Upgrade


  • Identifying above ground service locations from existing documentation provided by previous ground surveys and as-built information submitted by contractors.
  • Tracing position and depth of these services from terminal points.
  • Checking for undetected services within the road reserve.
  • Surveying the locations and depths of all services for mapping and stake out within the field
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Client: SANRAL

Date: June 2019

The construction of improved road and highway infrastructure is a complex task. Civil engineering designers need as much information as possible to ensure that they plan new infrastructure that meets the specifications required by the client, while also providing detailed information to the contractor so upgrades can be completed within budget and on time.

The N3 highway from Durban to Pietermaritzburg underwent significant design upgrades which started in 2020. While the highway corridor has been extensively surveyed over the past decade, there have also been numerous new services laid underground across and within the road reserve. GeoAfrika Surveys undertook a detailed audit of these underground services to ensure that an up to date record of their locations was provided to contractors prior to construction. This reduced the risk of services being impeded during construction, preventing significant knock on effects to the project budget and timeframes.